Sunday 22 May 2011

manfaat pernafasan dalam (deep breathing)

Manfaat deep breathing
1) meningkatkan oksigen dalam tubuh yang mana menyebakan meningkatnya energy level
2) merilexkan badan dengan meningkatkan konsentrasi ke pernafasan
3) meningkatkan kapasitas paru-paru dengan meningkatnya udara yang masuk
4) pernafasan dalam melepaskan ketegangan otot terutama di bahu dan leher
5) pikiran yang lebih jernih dengan memfocuskan ke pernafasan dalam menghilangkan pikiran yang menggangu...

Meningkatkan Penyerapan Nutrisi

Bagaimana cara meningkatkan penyerapan nutrisi??
1) Miliki Pikiran yang Tenang karena pikiran mempengaruhi pencernaan bahkan dikatakan bahwa enzym dan pencernaan akan shut down(mati) saat kita tidak tenang, jadi ingat sebelum makan tarik nafas dalam2 dan nikmati makanan..pernafasan yang baik juga membantu untuk tenang, meningkatkan kadar oksigen tubuh dan memperbaiki pencernaan dan masalah kesehatan lainnya
2) Makanan tidak dimaksudkan untuk dikombinasikan jadi makan protein sendiri, buah sendiri, akan meningkatkan pencernaan...manusia memiliki kelebihan dapat mencerna berbagai makanan jadi satu tetapi dengan konsekuensi sedang bila kita lihat binatang hanya makan 1 jenis makanan pada saat makan..kombinasi makanan yang baik diperlukan agar pencernaan kita dapat menyerap dengan baik
  • Jangan campur karbohidrat dengan protein karena kabohidrat memerlukan alkali basa lembut sedang protein perlu keasaman tinggi untuk dicerna dan mereka saling menetralkan menyebabkan pencernaan harus kerja extra keras
  • Buah dan sayur dengan gula rendah dapat dicampur dengan semua jenis makanan
  • Makan protein hewani dengan sayuran
  • Makan buah dengan gula tinggi sendiri jangan digabung karena kecepatanny untuk dicerna tinggi harus dimakan sendiri agar dapat diserap tubuh dengan baik
  • Lemak dan minyak dapat digabung dengan karbohidrat dan buah dan sayur rendah gula
  • Dan ingat jangan minum es dengan makanan itu menghambat pencernaan makanan

Thursday 20 September 2007

White eggs to Eliminate Acne Comedo

White eggs to Eliminate Comedo
Acne Comedo is not too is bothering of appearance when it compared to pimple. But, its dirt can plug face skin and become early problem of skin.Acne Comedo a more regular decorate nose and lessen the beauty of woman and face usually acne comedo pressed for remove of it. Exactly the way of the will make red skin and even become worse , if using tool to make its dirt remove it even make dirt progressively cork
There is a way of natural and healthy that is using chicken's egg or quill egg. Dissociating white from its husk later shake until it becomes foamy. Take cotton sheet and wipe white eggs to the cotton and patch to part of nose that have a lot acne comedo. When cotton pulled after become dry, automatic acne comedo will be upraised at the cotton.

Benefit Green Tea for the Health

Benefit Green Tea for the Health
Health are very importance to all of us in our Life, specially career woman who having many activities. If You too tired, sometimes the condition of body will weaken so that disease easily come down to You. Though the expense of medicine noways very costly
Nowadays with newest invention research, You can reduce your economize expenditure; to prevent and cure disease like cancer, losing of bone mass, tooth hole, and allergic
Green tea is natural ingredient that able to recharge Your stamina. Like You know that green tea is usually used just for slimming body. The research prove by result research into newly which have been done/conducted by all Japan man of science in Kyushu University
In fact they are only continue research of other scientists which have found very great effect of antioxidants in green tea leaf, so-called with gallate epigallocatechin and catechins ( EGCG). This time they find again new compound content that is so-called EGCG methylated. they have prove it in laboratory test at human being cell
Therefore, You don't need to worry caused the nature already have natural medication and prevention to disease which possible You suffer in this time. When You drink green tea, hence automatically existing compound in tea can pursue a receiver cell so that produce response anti allergy matching with receiver cell. And become active because husk rash, bronchial asthma, food allergic, nose allergy to flower pollen, grass and dirt. If You consume green tea five glass in one day, hence you'll earn to make body immunity system become stronger five times to prevent and eliminate bacterium infection and existing virus in Your body.

Wednesday 19 September 2007

good-old home-remedies for baggy eyes. Healthy tips

good-old home-remedies for baggy eyes.

* Put slices of oil-rich avocado under each eye.

*Raw potato is yet another very useful aid. Put thin slices of raw potato over dark circles at least twice or thrice a day, every day.

* Grate raw potatoes, add few drops of water, wrap it in a clean cloth and spread it over your eyelids.

* Mix ground almonds and milk and apply under the eyes.

* Crush parijat flowers (night jasmine) (see pic), mix with curds and apply this pack under your eyes for 10 minutes. Then wash off with cold water.

* You may also try applying orange juice and glycerine around the eyes.

* Mix equal parts of tomato juice and lemon juice and apply.

* You can also apply mint (pudina) juice around your undereye area for treating your dark circles.

* Grated cucumber placed over your eyelids and around your eyes helps. You can also dab cotton pods in the cucumber juice and place it over your eyelids. This would work too.

* Mix equal quantities of cornflour and yoghurt and apply.

* Mix a tsp of castor oil with 1 tsp of milk cream (malai) and massage it around the eyes.

* Make a paste of rose petals with milk and apply this paste around the eyes.

* Use this home made under eye cream for your dark circles. Works like a charm.

Some other tips.

* Drink sufficient water. Also include buttermilk and yogurt in your diet.

* Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetable, especially colored ones like carrot, papaya, mango, green vegetables like spinach, curry leaves, sprouts in your diet.

* Wash your feet well and massage castor oil over the soles of the feet. This will also stimulate the pressure points of your eyes located on the soles of your feet

Be Healthy be live up your life

Monday 6 August 2007

Friday 3 August 2007